Having the gears is one of the equations in having no lag gaming environment. Although default settings is generally good since they work, they are often not optimal and best for online gaming purposes. In this guide, we will go over the advanced wifi router...
Airtime Fairness On or Off
Airtime Fairness is a fairly common option with the latest routers, however, there aren’t any really good explanations to when and how you should take advantage of the Airtime Fairness setting. With this simple to easy guide, we hope to shed some insight to help...
Optimize AMPDU Aggregation On or Off (A MPDU)
AMPDU stands for Aggregated MAC Protocol Data Unit. This option is available in most of the router advanced settings for you to enable or disable. In this basic and simple guide, we will discuss what it is, and when you should take advantage of this...
Ack Suppression On or Off (No Acknowledgement)
Optimize Ack Suppression or the No Ack (Acknowledgement) setting is readily available for most of the advanced settings with the routers nowadays. However, there is really no good explanations or recommendations on when you should this setting. This simple to easy guide will try to...
DTIM Interval (Period) Best Setting
DTIM Interval goes hand in hand with the Beacon interval setting. Without going into the technical details, we will explain what DTIM interval does, and when and how to use the best setting for the DTIM interval option. Please note that this is a “layman’s”...
Beacon Interval Best Optimal Setting
Beacon Interval is one of the router settings that are often overlooked or less talked about when you are trying to optimize your wireless speed. In this simple to understand guide, we will go over what does Beacon Interval mean, the effects of higher or...
Preamble Type Short or Long
Preamble Type is an easy router option that can boost the performance of your wireless wifi network slightly. Most of the routers or firmware has the default setting for the Preamble Type as long. We will explain what is Preamble Type in router settings, what...
Optimizing Multicast Rate for Home Use
Multicast Rate is usually an often talked about “advanced” router option that can seriously hinder your wireless use experience if you misconfigure it. We have written an easy to use and understand guide of how multicast tx rate works so that you can have a...
IP Flood Detection Enable or Disable
In most home use cases, you should keep the Firewall option “IP Flood Detection” disabled. If you are experiencing packets loss or slow connection speed, many times the IP Flood Detection option may be the cause. Depending on your router, there may be different ways...
Complete AP Isolate Guide
AP Isolate is a common feature that come in different names based on the router version or brand that you use. In this guide, we will go over what happens when you enable AP Isolate, and the cases when AP Isolate can actually help you....