Tx Burst On or Off (Frame Burst, Packet Burst )

Many of the routers offer one of these settings in their advanced mode: Tx Burst, Frame Burst, or Packet Burst. Depending on the model or brand of the router that you have, they may name these options differently. And they are sometimes found under different part of the advanced router setting configuration.

The data bursting settings can typically be changed from your wireless’s setting or Wlan setting under advanced or professional tabs.

How does Wifi’s Tx Burst, Frame Burst, or Packet Burst Improve Speed

Without the detailed technical mumbo jumbo textbook explanation, what the bursting does is by reducing some of the overhead or the skippable data transmissions in between multiple unicast. It means that instead of sending one big long message or multiple message. It improves the speed by either breaking up into smaller chunks while removing the overhead, and by combining multiple packet messages and remove the duplicate overhead part.

Sending and connecting with less overhead means that more bandwidth is used by “real” data. This in turn will improve the network throughout performance by transmitting more “real” data with the same amount of time.

Applicable Technologies for the Burst Type

Tx Burst mode (packet overdrive) is only applicable for G client devices and sometimes B. Which means that Tx Bursting does not apply to wirelness N or AC networks.

So if you have everything running in N or higher as with purely N support only. You should consider to disable or turn off the Tx Support.

Frame Burst or Packet Burst sometimes do apply to the later technologies.

Potential Bursting Option Issues

In most home use cases, turning on Tx Bursting or Frame / Packet Bursting can improve the overall speed and bandwidth of your wireless network. However, you may run into latency or lag issues when you have connected multiple wireless clients or devices to the router.

The reason is that your router may dedicate more airtime to individual devices in bursting sessions, and this effect can cut into the lag problems for the individual devices.

Frame Burst and Tx Burst on or off

Turn Bursting On When:
In general, you should turn these options on if you have 1~5 devices supported at the same time by your wireless router or access point. The more devices that your AP is supporting, the more likely that you may run into lag issues with the Tx or frame burst technology. Since most of the wifi network is pretty dynamic with different usage patterns, you will have to make that decision based on own personal usage.

Turn Busting Off When:
The only exception is that you should turn Tx Burst off if you are running N or AC only networks. Remember to read to tooltip to make sure that your router is supporting your level of technology. Most of the router’s settings do specify that Tx Burst is only supported in 802.11g wifi standards.

Gaming Recommendation:
You should turn bursting option off if your router is supporting multiple devices to reduce the potential of lag, since lag can be a big factor for online gaming purposes. However, if you have dedicated your router to your gaming device only, you should turn the burst mode on as it does improve the overall network performance.

General Use Recommendation:
You should generally leave the bursting mode on for every day use to improve the overall bandwidth and network throughput performance, as lag is generally not a concern for everyday purposes. If you do run into lag issues with multiple devices, proceed to disable the bursting option.

Relevant Burst Mode Terms
Tx Burst Asus
Frame Burst Wireless
Frame Burst Verizon

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